Thursday, November 27, 2008

Wlii Falls

Wlii Falls (pronounced vlee) are amazing. We first walked along this picturesque river running through the valley. Little bridges crisscross the river as you walk about a mile to the base of the mountain. We then made a quite difficult and treacherous climb up the mountain. They say it takes "an hour" but all agree it is more like two for even those in the best of shape. There were many amazing views, I have only shown one of them. You can see were the jungle creeps along the valley beside the river. The fall itself was very large and beautiful. I have many photos of the whole falls but there are many other falls I have been to and have yet to post. The way the sun was blotted out by the cliffs made for some amazing photos.

These are just the upper falls. Lower next and just as nice.

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