Monday, November 17, 2008

African hunt

Well, I went on an African "safari". We were hunting one of the greatest and most elusive beasts of all Africa..... grass cutter. A grass cutter is compared to a hare or rabbit but honestly more closely resembles a giant bush rat. However, the meat is highly prized here and costs at least 2 to 3 times as much as goat or chicken. Imagine 4 men and about 5 boys hunting a rabbit with a few machetes and sticks. That being said we saw a few but didn't get anything. The pictures are of the boys playing checkers before the hunt. Ghana plays checkers by much different rules than anyone in America. Other pictures are of us in the "bush" and us trying to smoke one out of the hole. We accomplished this, but the grass cutter ran out about 7 feet behind us and got away. It was fun and certainly an experience, though I would have liked to catch one (and eaten it).
Computer horrible today....... pictures another time..........

1 comment:

Walter said...

This is Walter. It seems you are having one hell of an adventure. Things like that can really open and change your life. I just started reading everything and hope to see more. I can't get over you cutting and sewing someone up. You are doing something very noble, stay safe and don't drink the water or go swimming in it seems.